Unlike most other cryptocurrency wallets, REAL wallets do not have BIP39 seed phrases. Instead, the REAL wallet’s non-electronic design utilizes BIP38 two-factor private keys.
Hardware wallets and software wallets that utilize BIP39 seed phrases generate their private keys from a single source of entropy, which is a single point of failure. If the hardware device (computer, phone, or hardware wallet) that generates the BIP39 private key is compromised, then all of the crypto stored on the wallet is at risk.
If an electronic hardware wallet is connected to a computer that is infected with a virus or malware, the private keys on the hardware wallet could be compromised and the crypto stored on it stolen.
Instead of relying on USB cables, Bluetooth, NFC, or other type of electronic connection to communicate between the offline hardware wallet and the online computer, REAL wallets utilize a system of visual QR codes.
Screens are not durable. They contain delicate electronic components that can easily be damaged, and the screen itself is made of glass or plastic that can break or shatter if struck with force.
We designed REAL wallets to ensure that the crypto stored on them will be accessible many decades in the future, which is longer than the expected lifespan of any screen.